Friday, November 30, 2012


现在的我真的很郁闷。  上了大学,烦恼的事完全不同了。  以前烦恼功课赶不上,课业不明白,考试不理想。  那是学生的烦恼。  现在上了大学,一个礼拜只有三天课,没错,是很轻松。  每天可以睡到自然醒。  没有课本,没有测验。  不需要烦恼书念了没,笔记复习了没,功课做了没。  但也渐渐开始烦恼,自己的价值到底有多少?

上了大学才发现有很多事情都没认真的做好,想学很多东西,想掌握很多技巧,想比别人略胜一筹,想尝试很多自己认为不可能做到的事。  但有时候真的害怕自己拼过头,反而是件坏事。  毕竟我比其他人多浪费了两年时间。  真的很想爬得比别人高,跑得比别人快。  真的很想让时光倒流,把那些错过和失去的东西补足。 

今天下午参观了学长的展廊会,见到了很多社会人物。  那是个成人的场合,没有儿戏,很正派,很壮观,也让我很恐惧。  想到数年后,我也得和他们一样,我真的很害怕。  我害怕交际,害怕步入社会,害怕以后的日子。

这段日子,group work让我很头痛。  我真的很希望大家可以团结把事情做好,也希望队长不要再那么固执了。  不耐烦和满口粗话是解决不了问题的。  真的很希望所有的不愉快可以快快过去,就这么简单,可以吗?

p/s  曼切斯特开始入冬了。  今天疯狂地在摄氏零度下摄影。  冻死我了。


气象报告说过几天会开始下雪了。  生命中的第一场雪,会是怎样的呢? =)  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



因为没有人比自己更疼爱自己 =D

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Great things are simple!

What is the best thing in life?  A survey suggested that finding £10 in an old pair of jeans emerged as one of the life's greatest good mood triggers.  Yeah.  Many times, it's the simplest thing in life that means the most to us.

But too often, we are too busy and focused on what we have to do each day, and we are missing all the miracles along the way.  We get stressed out when shit happens.  We often complain when things do not run smoothly as we wish.  We get intimidated by people when they are smarter and more powerful than we are.

However, life is too short for us to magnify the negative part of our life.   We have to number our days, and live life to the fullest like everyday is our last day.  We have to slow down our pace and take time to smell the roses.   We have to appreciate the people and personalities in our life.  We don't have to take an expensive vacation to make a memory because it doesn't need a lot of money to have fun.  Wealth can't buy us happiness.  It's always the simple thing that we remember the most. 

life is great

when I have a cup of hot tea.

when I do a random sketch.

when I read a good story book.

when I hear a song that reminds me of my past.

when I hear the sound of rain.

when I try out a new recipe.

when I browse through my old pictures.

when I sleep like a baby.

when I don't have to wake up early.

when my hair looks good after I wake up.

when I get the right camera setting.

when the fresh laundry smells good. 

when I hang out with friends.

when someone compliments me.

when I meet a friendly cashier.

when a lame joke cracks me up.

when a kid holds my hand tight.

and bla bla bla ~~~

 Wohoo, great things are simple, and simple things are great!  =D

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm sick

Daddy knows I'm weak, so he prepared a lot of medicines for me before I came to Manchester.  And in two months time, I finished my panadols.  How great I am.  Just took some paracetamols and a flu tablet.  Please recover soon, I need a healthy body to keep working.  =(  Will be going to UMIST tomorrow for our new project.  Hope that everything goes smoothly.  Rain and wind, please go away.  I don't need you right now.  sob*  My head is cracking, my eyes are sore, my neck is stiff, my whole body is in pain.  I need a rest.  Goodnight everybody.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

First Hi from Manchester!

Aloha!  It's blogging time again!  After the submission of portfolio, I'm finally free free freeeee!  So in this post, I will try my best to update my current status and share my life in Manchester with you all!

People always ask me about the life in Manchester.  And my answer will always be, oh, Manchester is such a boring place!  Actually, it is not that bad.  I'm just exaggerating the situation because to me, studying oversea is not an easy task.  You need to be physically and mentally strong to withstand the extreme weather  change(ok, lame) and to live without your family(which means you have to cook, wash, clean and buy everything yourself).  Therefore, you can hardly survive without friends.  Luckily, I'm not alone here.  I have two big brothers that always help me and guide me when everything gets mess up.    ^.^v  Manchester is treating me good, compared to the time I first entered INTEC.  That was really horrible.  I was so emotional and took so long to cope with the life in Shah Alam.  So glad that I don't have the problem here in Manchester.  Touch wood.

The two big brothers - Haseef and Raden!

And thanks to our senior, Hakym, and many other seniors as well (too many to be mentioned) who helped us a lot, really a lot, when we first reached here.  So glad to have you all in Manchester.  =)  We, the freshers, really appreciate it.

This is for you, Hakym.  Haha!

I'm now living in a private hall, named Manchester Student Village, which is located very very near to my studio.  =)  Sharing kitchen, bathroom and toilet with another Singaporean girl, I'm pretty happy with the accommodation!  It's a room with big space and a big double bed, and my own working table, like a boss!  I am not going to post the pictures of my flat, because I have to spend time tidying up everything before I can take a snapshot on them.  Hehe, further details, please google search. =P

You can find different kinds of people here.  Black, White, Asians.  It's really fun to spend some time walking on the street because you can see lots of things happening in the city.  Manchester is having its Autumn now, so it's really cold and windy out there.  A cup of hot tea inside the warm room can just make your day.  (Having self-made teh tarik right now, hehe).  Can't imagine how people survive during Winter.  One more thing, Manchester rains a lot.  More and more rain is falling on the city each year.  It rains almost everyday.  But, the rain here is totally different from what you can see in Malaysia.  In Malaysia, you can't walk under the rain without umbrella because the raindrops are so freaking big.  In Manchester, umbrella is not a useful stuff, because you will get yourself blown away by the strong wind because of your huge but useless umbrella.  People just walk under the rain in their jacket, and you don't get wet!  But the wind can kill you anytime if you are too skinny and light.  No joke.

This is The University of Manchester, and people call it tin can.

I'm under two universities, University of Manchester(UoM) and Manchester Metropoliton University(MMU).  Ask me why?  I don't know~  Because I'm an architecture student.  This school is weird.  This course is weird.  Everything is weird.

A day exploring the city centre.  I love this picture, because we look happy.  Credits to Raden!

Please take a look at my photo album in Facebook named "Go Go Manchester".  There are some nice buildings you can find in Manchester.  =)  If you want to know more about Manchester, you are welcomed to visit this place!  But I can't be your tour guide because I'm utterly poor in direction and may get lost anytime.  Ahaha

For our first year, we had a field trip to Berlin, Germany!  Woohoo, that's the fun part of being an architecture student!  =D  Berlin is bloody AWESOME!  It's my first time travelling without tour guide, exploring the whole city with just a piece of map.  It was an extremely good experience.  Most of the Germans in Berlin City can speak good English.  You don't need to worry about getting lost in the place because they are very happy to guide you.

Love the clouds.  Took this in front of Reichstag, one of the most historic landmarks in Berlin designed by Sir Norman Foster.

This is the glass dome.  We walked all the way to the top of the dome via the spiral walkway.  You can see the whole Berlin city from the dome.  =)

Lots of nice Berlin pictures can be found in my Facebook, the photo album named "Go Go Berlin".  Won't mention much about Berlin, it will take me days to do that.  In a nutshell, I strongly recommend you to take a visit to this place.  It is GREAT!  Mmm, I love Germany!

Apart from that, a site visit to St. Ambrose Barlow RC High School was organized by my school.  It was the first site visit we had for our course.  Our task is to design a tessellated installation to be installed at the entrance space of the new high school.  I had a bad day travelling to the site by train.  Manchester should have improved its public transports system.  Because of the poor system, I was late for my site visit, waiting for hours at the train station. T_T  Luckily, I got to joined other groups and managed to enter the building.

 Briefing from the tutor about the site.

The future architects.

The high school was still under construction.

The project took around one month and guess what?  My design was selected as the top 6 for the competition!  I'm really happy and proud of myself because a month of hard work finally paid off =) (even though the group work did give me a big headache).  Presenting in front of the school officers and architects was a precious experience to me.  This project gave me lots of confidence in my study.  Praying hard that  my next project won't give me sleepless nights again.  I need a normal life.  =S

I'm no longer a teenager!  I'm 20!  But I'm so childish!  -,-  Had my first birthday celebration in Manchester with the two buddies.  They baked me a cake!  How sweet they are!

A very cute birthday cake.  "HB BABY J"  Funny.

Thank you for the buffet!  And thank you Salamah for joining the dinner!  I love you all!  =)

Received a parcel from home yesterday.  A parcel full of love.  I miss home.  =(  When can I go back?  I miss your food, daddy!  Hope that everyone in Malaysia is doing good.  Addicted to eBay recently.  I need to control myself.  Learning how to cook good food too recently.  I'll try to make a post on that one day.  Stay tuned!  Okay, I guess I have to go now.  See you all next time! xx

p/s  My hair is long now.  Yeayyyy  But my severe hair fall is giving me headache.  Bought a new shampoo yesterday, hope it works.