Sunday, May 23, 2010

Marine Park + Beach

Yesterday, I visited the Marine Park in Labuan with my friends, and had a fun time taking photos together before I leave.  We were damn crazy, running here and there, taking pictures.  Labuan's really super hot.  So, bring along an umbrella is compulsory during outing.  Or else, you will just like me, getting dark.  In this post, I will just upload some of the photos since there were too many.  You can see more photos in my facebook.
Wendy, Wani and I went out at around 2pm.  We met Pressly at UK, who would be our guide to the Marine Park.  And also to get my phone there.  =.=
Wani, Wendy and I
Group photo.  Yeah yeah~
Wani and I under the pink umbrella
 Posing in front of Marine Park
I like this photo v(^.^)v

Taking photo in front of a shell-framed mirror
Big boss
 Trying to climb the wall.  Crazy bah...
Let's go to the beach!!!
 Acting crazy with Wani
Looking at my future
A tiring but enjoyable day.
That's all.  Gonna take my lunch now.  Byebye... p(^0^)9

*p/s  I will take the flight tomorrow at 2pm, flying to Miri first, and then to Sibu at 6pm.  Sibu guys, see you soon!!!  Aiai is back!!!